I've been working on Bandit's story this week. I've officially hit the 10k mark. All those words feel good too. Hopefully, I have more when his story is done. I'd really like to do Britney Wolf's story. I know many have been asking for hers, and she needs one.
What do you all want to see for her? I see her loving Sage Valley, and finding her place there. All her brothers are married, and it's her turn. I can see her loving a simple life with a simple guy. What about you? Let me know what you think. Like I did with Bandit, I'm giving you all a sneak peek of Skye Alvarez, a raven haired, sacasticly sweet lady. She'll be Bandit's balance. Just remember, it's not edited. Things can and do change during editing. I've gotten better, but my editor is still polishing this writer's stone. I'll keep it short this week. I've got a word count goal I'm trying to meet. :) Just click here if you'd like to read about Skye.
So, it's been a unique week for me. As many of you know, I haven't been writing much. A little here and there. Certainly, not like I was a year ago. My candle was burned to the bottom of the wick and I didn't know how to fix it.
But, something happened this week. I don't really know what, but I'm going to call it an answer to prayer because I have been praying. A lot. Or what felt like a lot. I go through periods where sometimes I wonder if God is really listening. LIke, maybe He needs a hearing aid or something. I mean, I'm talking. I'm trying to hear Him, but the conversation feels completely one sided. I know that's not true. I do. Feelings aren't facts and all that jazz. Still, sometimes the heart and the head are in a battle of wills and they're so loud, everything else is drowned out. But back to this week. I've written about nine thousand words this week. Two of those on a book I know many of you have been asking about and waiting for. Bandit. That man has been begging for a story since last year. I've struggled figuring out his happily ever after because...I don't want to disappoint anyone. When you've waited for something, you want it to be good. So do I. I don't know that I can express my appreciation for you fine folks for reading my books, sending me emails filled with encouragement, and everything in between. You've given my family a new life. I'm not sure I'll ever be able to properly say thanks. You, my readers, have blessed me beyond measure and you continue do to so. I want Bandit's story to be every bit the great book that you want it to be and I'm going to do my best to deliver that. With that in mind though, I thought I'd give you all a first chapter sneak peek. I normally don't do that until my editor has gone through it, but I'm happy with this chapter. I think you will be too. Once I finish this current YA I'm working on, Bandit is next. I didn't want to pile a ton of text into this email. I know that can be a real pain. So, I've attached a link where you can go on my website and read it. I hope you enjoy it. The Jilted Bride's Billionaire Husband Well, this week flew by. I almost feel side swiped. Did it feel that way to you? It's like Ms. Doubtfire...it was a fly by fruiting. Only it was days instead of actual fruit.
The hubby and I did decide it's time for a vacation. It's been more than a year, and we're definitely feeling it. We've decided to see Mt. Rushmore, the Custer Battlefield, and then Yellowstone. I've never been to any of them and neither have my girls. So, a bucket list item is getting crossed off. I'm pretty excited. I think it'll be fun just getting away and regrouping. Plus, it's educational. It's one thing to read about something, it's another to actually see it. It's been a strange week. For months now, I've had my days planned and suddenly, I don't. Which lends me to thinking. Thinking always gets me into trouble.
Things such as... I should lose weight. Only, I don't sleep the night before and the last thing I want to do is use Truvia in my coffee so out comes the maple syrup. It's only a touch (no really!) but I shouldn't have it. And... Those book covers I just made for the Fake Marriage series. Do I really like them? Like how much do I like them? Will my people be upset if I change them again? Do they notice things like that? No? It's just author over-obsesson? Okay. This too... Should I cut my hair? My hairdresser is back in town for a week, and I love her so I should have her do my hair. But I kinda like it this length. Can I last the next six weeks? My hair grows pretty fast. Plus this... Oh! And the cats. I'm telling you the little gremlins have it out for me. I'm trying to get to sleep and the fat one decides to stand on my liver when I'm just at that almost asleep stage. And another wants to sing the song of his people...at 2am. Next thing I know, it's a chorus. The list goes on which is why I don't immediatly zonk out when my head hits the pillow...unlike my husband who can literally be in the middle of a conversation and start snoring. Like doesn't this man have the universe to ponder? Whew. Apparently, I have way too much time on my hands. I will say, that the young adult book that I'm working on is coming along. I've given myself a deadline of getting it to my editor by the middle of this month. Which means my little fingers are busy. So there's that. I'm still a little burnt out. Still a little tired. But it gets better each day. Okay, I kinda wrote a short story...sorry about that. |
June 2023