Yep, I was in a car accident yesterday evening. My husband was driving and we were bee-bopping along when… wham! It was a total surprise, the poor man driving just didn't see us. Man, these things never happen when it's convenient.
Okay, so, no, I don't have anything super pressing at the moment. Now, I have to get my car fixed. Nothing huge. The bumper will need paint and the passenger side panel will be some buffing out. Still. What a pain. I'm fine. He really didn't hit us that hard. Just enough to cause damage. So, it could have been much worse. I think someone was looking out for us and I'm feeling grateful they were. :)
![]() I'll keep it short this week. Mostly because I don't have a lot to say. Not without sounding whiny. I have no reason to be whiny because things are good, or mostly good. I've finished Ryder's story. I'd planned on calling it The Ranger's Forgiveness, but after writing it, that doesn't really fit. I think The Ranger's Hope fits better. It was a hard book to write. I didn't want to treat what was going on lightly, but I also didn't want to drag the story out forever. Anyway, I did try to do the subject justice and make it an entertaining read. We'll see if I managed to do that. I'll be holding my breath waiting for reviews. (That makes it sound like I don't do that every time. I sweat bullets every time I release a book. It never gets easy.) Yesterday, I started Elijah's story. Remember that New Year's email? The one where I said I'd stay away from high school sweethearts? Eh...well, I kinda went with high school sweethearts. We'll see if I mangle it or not. I might be writing this one twice. Well, I don't know about you, but it's been one of those months.
There I was...sitting in my desk chair, happily writing. I turn to look at something and BAM I've hurt my back. It shouldn't be that easy to hurt your back. I fell off a horse flat of my back when I was fourteen. She went left, the saddle slipped, and I didn't go left, I just plummeted to the earth. Knocked the wind out of my sails for sure. And since then, I've had a lot of trouble with it. My first back surgery was when I was 24, and had a disc taken out. You'd think it wouldn't be that big of a deal, but I can wiggle my toes and sometimes it'll hurt my back. So, that's my tale of woe. On the plus side, I didn't have to do laundry, clean the house or make dinner since Monday. I mean, I have to look at the positive, right? |
June 2023